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I just want to know when the pain will stop and my heart can start to heal

My 32 yo daughter passed due to covid on September 23, 2021. She had MS and had had an infusion three weeks prior that killed the immunity she had from being vaxed. She was gone in six days. No one saw her passing being a reality. She leaves behind a now nine-year-old son who still isn’t coping and two nephews and a niece that talks about her daily.

Her older sister lost her best friend. Her father and I our beloved daughter. And her brother and sister are still trying to navigate life without her.
I just want to know when the pain will stop and my heart can start to heal.

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This situation changed our lives greatly

I lost my parents tragically. A mental health crisis caused the whole situation and my parents succumbed to a murder/ suicide. (I don’t like to use those words but it is the truth) My husband discovered my parents after we weren’t able to reach them. I was there but this situation changed our lives greatly. We do have support but to have a few days to just be together and not have to worry about anything except helping each other would be an immense next step of healing.

The other component is that I want to continue to gain the tools to provide awareness for senior mental health. I want to continue to grieve in a healthy way and also provide a place for my husband to get continued support. We have attended counseling but right now our schedules and finances are not available to do so.

My husband and I are also growing our family thru fostering children. We have fostered 13 kids in and around Franklin County. The last four years. We currently have a 20-month-old foster daughter. This opportunity would be so nice to just be able to not have to worry for a few days and just be a family.

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We have yet to work through our grief

In February of ’22 we lost my stepdad. My family consists of my husband, 33, myself, 32, and our 3 children 13, 12, 11. This was very hard for my boys. In May of ’22 my father-in-law passed away, and 13 days later, his mother, passed away. This last August, we then lost my grandmother.

My children, husband, and I have had the most traumatic devastation that we have ever felt. Our children continue to see therapists weekly, and still, we have yet to work through our grief.

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My mom needs extra support

We’ve lost a few people recently, my father committed suicide a little over a year ago. This was hard on my mom even with their tough relationship as exes. My father was an addict and it’s really been a tough time accepting things.

My grandmother just recently passed away. Since my sisters and I are all out of the house, I think my mom needs extra support because she was with her mother for the past 3 years as things were getting worse.

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We’ve experienced a lot of loss

Hello, unfortunately as a family we’ve experienced a lot of loss. Most recently my Dad [passed] away in March at 51. I’ve also lost my aunt and a stepfather figure although 2 were more than 18 months ago.

It would be great to get away and have hopefully a healing and peaceful experience. Thank you for the great opportunity.

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I lost my husband to suicide

In June of 2021 I lost my husband to suicide. We had been married for over 14 years and had 4 kids.

Our worlds were turned upside down and we have been trying to navigate a life without him. He was an amazing husband, father, brother, son and friend.

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My youngest daughter lost her father

My youngest daughter lost her father when she was 4 years old. She’s just coming to terms with it and starting to ask questions and learn more about him. She lost his mother early last year and that was the closest person she had to him.

It’s been a hard couple years due to the way he left.

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