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My mother retired and was taking full-time hospice care of my step dad and we lost him. She was doing well but lately hasn’t been herself. She does everything for everyone and it’s so hard not to be able to help her as her sadness just grows bc she can’t live through her retirement w/ her most cherished husband. My mother worked for a city police department and once retired began almost immediately full-time care for her mother and husband who was worsening with a rare disease and ended up in hospice. She never complained and was always there for our family including them.
She, unfortunately, lost her mother and her husband all in the same week prior to the winter holidays. She has hung in there until recently I believe it is more setting in with time and is having such a hard time with the losses. When asking her she always says she is fine, just sad. This woman has done nothing in her life for herself and would love this opportunity to attend with my sister and comfort my mother.